Our Low Price Guarantee:

When you shop for automotive parts and upgrades with Driven By Style LLC we want you to know you’re getting the best deal possible. The Driven By Style LLC Price Match is your guarantee that you’re never paying too much.

Price Match Guidelines

In order for us to match a competitor’s price, you must obtain the following information:

  • Exact part number and description of the product
  • Website URL of the product (You must provide us with a link to the page with the product)
  • Competitors advertised price

What to do with this information

When placing your online order, in the comment section at checkout, you need to state:

  • Competitor’s part number
  • URL for the product
  • Competitor’s price

What will we do

When we confirm the price, we will manually update and process your order with the new lower price. You will get a copy of your order via email when your order is processed. If for any reason we can not honor the price, you will be contacted via email and given the reason(s) why. We will then place your order on hold as we attempt to contact you.

The Fine Print:

  • Competitor’s product must be an exact match (same Manufacturer and product)
  • Competitor’s product must be New, not refurbished, reconditioned or a display model.
  • Competitor’s product cannot be a clearance or close out item.
  • Item must be in stock at the competitor’s shipping location.
  • Competitor must be in the U.S. selling in U.S. dollars.
  • Competitor must be an established business with a physical storefront or warehouse.
  • Price Match offer is valid at the time you place your order.
  • We reserve the right to only match competitor’s prices that can be found on the first page of search engine results.
  • We reserve the right not to honor this offer